What do You Need to Start?

Attack Dice

Used to determine the damage dealt during attacks by each unit.

12-digit Dice 

Determines who starts the game and selects artifacts from chests.

Hit Point Badges 

To track health for units.

Player Panel

Holds unit cards; the top position is “ready to move,” the bottom is “moved.”

  • Unit figures and cards
    - Humans - 1 set
    - Orcs - 1 set
  • Catapult - 4
  • House - 2
  • Forest - 2
  • Bridge - 2

Use the simple maps to start with: ___.

Preparing to the Battle

Each map includes a scenario description and a list of required game elements.

For beginners, it’s recommended to choose smaller 6x6 hex maps to play the core game.

Players roll to determine faction choice. 

Players cannot select the same faction.

Players select units within the gold limit specified by the scenario and place each unit’s card on their game panel.

Each army can include up to 10 units.

Note: Do not reveal your army composition to your opponent until the selection is complete.

Each player places a badge showing the maximum hit points on each of their units and active buildings.

Players position their units on the battlefield in the outermost accessible cells on their side, starting on the first row.

Units are placed on the first row only, in accessible cells appropriate for the unit.

If all available cells in the first row are occupied, any additional units are placed outside the field. These units can enter the field in any subsequent turn on a free cell in the first row.

Entering the playing field costs all the unit’s movement points, so it may only move further on the player’s next turn.

The Battle

Players roll to determine who goes first, and then alternate turns. 

Each player can move each unit in any order; once a unit moves, its card shifts to the “moved” position.

  • Travel Range - the number of movement points determines how many hexes can be moved.
  • If a unit has spent some of its movement points, the remaining unused movement points are lost when moving to the next unit.
  • Units cannot pass through enemy units but may pass through friendly ones. 
  • Obstacles to movement are: enemy units, enemy buildinogs and landscape elements, except some of them, like bridge, for example.
  • The unit can pass through captured buildings.
  • When making an attack, the player rolls the attack die to calculate damage. Damage formula: (Attack + bonuses) – (Defense + bonuses).
  • Bonuses are possible effects of other adjacent units, artifacts, terrain features and the attack die readings.
  • When the attacked player receives damage to his unit, he replaces its badge with another one with a new number of hit points. 
  • When an enemy unit is defeated in melee, the attacker moves to its position. This move is part of the attack and it costs no additional movement point. The attacked player removes the figure from the battlefield and removes the unit card from his panel.
  • Some buildings can be captured.
  • Capture a building allows friendly units to pass through the captured building.
  • To capture an enemy or neutral building, a unit must be on an adjacent tile. 
  • Capturing a building can be done by a unit that didn't move in the current turn, and it uses up all its movement points.
  • Victory conditions are set by players before the battle begins.
  • The prepared maps indicate the proposed victory conditions.
  • Common victory options:
    - Destruction of all enemy units and buildings.
    - Capture of a defended enemy building.


  • Melee units
  • Archers
  • Cavalry
  • Flying units
  • Giants
  • Support units (repair, healing)
  • Artillery
  • Tanks
  • Ships

Unit Characteristics

  • Hit Points
  • Travel Range
  • Attack: Melee, Ranged, Magic
  • Defense: Melee, Ranged, Magic
  • Maximum number in the army: a limit on the number that can be on the battlefield at one time.

Special unit characteristics are listed on the unit card below the main characteristics. More details of them are given in the unit catalog.

Some special characteristics are unique to specific unit types.

Special Unit Characteristics

  • +1 to range when shooting from a height*
  • -1 to attack when shooting upward*
    * Heights refer to elevated landscape features as well as towers intended for units.
  • -1 to attack when shooting through barriers**
    ** Buildings and landscape elements such as forests or stones are barriers to shooting; units and war machines are not.

A common feature for units with magic attacks is that terrain height does not affect the attack range or damage.

Bonus against Horsemen and Flying Creatures: +2 Melee Attack; +2 Melee Defense.

Can move over obstacles but must end their movement on a suitable land tile.

  • Giants cannot board ships.
  • Giants cannot enter forts, towers or other buildings.
  • Giants can cross rivers and small bodies of water (1 cell), but must end their movement on suitable land tile.
  • Effects on all nearby friendly units can be either magical or through influence of authority.
  • The effect automatically applies during the current turn to adjacent units and doesn’t consume movement points.
  • The effect only applies while the unit remains in an adjacent cell. For example, if the unit moves away from the source of influence before striking, the effect will no longer be active. 
  • Using the magical effect consumes all of the unit’s movement points of the mage.
  • The effect applies in the current turn.
  • To maintain the effect, the affected unit must take its turn immediately after the effect is applied.
  • The healing can be applied to a manpower unit in an adjacent cell.
  • Uses all remaining movement points of the healing unit. This means that, after performing the healing action, the unit cannot move or perform another healing in the same turn.
  • Healing does not take up the patient's movement points.
  • The repair can be applied to war machines in an adjacent cell.
  • Uses all remaining movement points of the repairing unit. This means that, after performing the repairing action, the unit cannot move or perform another repair in the same turn.
  • Repairing does not take up the repaired war machine movement points.
  • Summoning uses all movement points of the summoning unit.
  • A unit summoned by authority appears on the edge of the map on the player's side and can only begin moving on the next turn.
  • When a summoned unit appears, the player adds its corresponding card to their panel.
  • A creature cannot be summoned if all 10 unit slots are occupied.
  • Summoned units remain on the battlefield as regular units and do not disappear if the unit that summoned them is destroyed.

Landscapes and Buildings

Heights provide a +1 range bonus when shooting from an elevated position. Shooting upward to a higher elevation incurs a -1 penalty to the shooting attack.

  • Landscape elements like trees and rocks, along with passive and active structures, act a barriers for shooters, applying a -1 penalty to the shooting attack. 
  • Elevated tiles act as a barrier when shooting.
  • A unit can climb to the nearest height, for example from the first to the second level. 
  • Climbing to a height uses up all movement points if there is no landscape ramp.
  • If there is a landscape ramp, climbing to a height uses up the same number of movement points as normal movement.

A unit cannot attack a unit at a different height unless there is a landscape ramp.

Water tiles act as obstacles for all units except flying units and giants, who can cross them if the final landing point is on land.

A building that is an obstacle can be captured, in which case friendly units can pass through the building.

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